18. September 2019
Hiking with dog is one of the most undertaken outdoor activities. When you’re taking your pet with you on a day-long hiking activity, you must assure that every safety measure is in place. You wouldn’t want to risk your dog’s life!
It is easy to inhibit basic commands in dogs when they are young. Dog trainers and behaviorists insi
28. August 2019
Every animal has a wild instinct that makes them aggressive. Among dogs, aggression encompasses a range of behaviors that may give signs of extreme aggression. It is essential to check with your veterinarian.
A regular check or wellness examination is a periodic medical test of the pets to assess their overall health. No pet owner ever consider a dog only a pet. For us, they are a family member. Taking care of your pet is as essential as taking care of yourself.
Doggy Daycare refers to short-term daytime care for dogs that include both kennel boarding and pet sitting at home. With pet owners often busy at work or other daily activities, daycare becomes essential
24. April 2019
Do not confuse these two distinct breeds with their latter name "Retriever." Golden RetrieDo not confuse these two distinct breeds with their latter name "Retriever." Golden Retriever or Labrador, both are the most loved dog breeds throughout the US. The basic difference between the two dogs lies in their temperament, skin coat, fur, life-span, and epidemiology.
Scientists in the US estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases in humans are spread from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in humans spread from animals.
April 6 is celebrated as the National Siamese Cat Day throughout the USA. Although known for their pleasing look and class, Siamese cats make a great pet. They are one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Asian cat that became one of the most popular breeds
March 23 is celebrated as the National Puppy Day through the U.S. Puppies are probably the most ador
Many of our pets manage to get into all kinds of trouble without a thumb, so we’d like to imagine what could happen if pets had a thumb. Maybe they would rule over the world. The thumb in humans and apes serve a great function.