What are you looking forward to doing this year? Work less, enjoy more, and eat healthily?
Like you, your pets look for greater things in life. If your pets could talk, this is what they would wish to do this year.

1. Adopt Shelter Pets
Approximately 6.5 million pets enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized due to lack of shelter and adoptive homes.
The cost of adopting a new shelter pet may cost $0- $500. The cost of adopting a new dog depends on its age and breed. Most feeds are taken by the shelter homes to take care of the necessary needs of the pet including vaccination, spay or neutering, microchip, etc. Most fees go into the shelter homes’ fund.
2. Go Hiking
This New Year, consider going on a hike with your beloved pets. Most small pets can hike 10 miles a day. A large dog can hike more. However, the hiking ability of canines isn’t determined by their size but by age, health, and ability to breathe well.
Dogs with physical ailments can’t hike a long distance. And, you must provide paw protection to avoid any injury. Going outdoors with your pets can be the best thing to do. You can spend precious time with your pet indulging in a fun activity.

3. Pay Regular Visits To Vets
Regular wellness exams help the vet to evaluate or determine the changes in your pet’s health and diagnose conditions before they get worse. Regular well-checks help to save valuable time, money, and stress in the long run. Well, Check includes the pre-examination and physical examination to assess the overall health of your pet.
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recommends for dogs and cats to have check-ups annually, at least.
4. Socialize More
Dogs are social animals. They enjoy the company of humans and fellow pets. Socialization should begin at a young age which helps them to adapt to social circles and behavior. The ideal age is between 3 and 14 weeks of age for puppies.

Socialization helps to elevate stress in animals. Here are a few tips to socialize with your pets.
- Take your pet out to observe other animals
- Resist tugging while walking
- Go to pet training classes
- Ignore your pet's unwanted behavior
- Introduce other pets/animals slowly
5. Groom often
Grooming is a process that ensures your pet’s hygiene and appearance are kept at an optimum level. Grooming may involve cutting or trimming hairs, brushing, washing, cutting nails, cleaning teeth, and others.
Some of the benefits of grooming are;
- Eradicate Health Problems –Grooming lessens the chances of contracting health problems, such as skin allergies, parasitic infections, scratches, and matted hair.
- Cleanliness –General tidiness and physical appearance.
- Vital Organs in Check –Grooming also monitors the status of essential body parts for the infection.
- Physical Appeal –The physical appearance and standard are maintained with regular grooming.
- Stress-free environment –Grooming helps to keep the fur even, clean, and unmated which helps to lessen the stress.

6. Get Pet Insurance
Pet insurance helps to cover medical costs and ensure your pet gets the optimum services during an emergency. It doesn’t only the pet owners save costs, but make better decisions about the pet’s health based on finances.
Pet insurance can greatly decrease the cost of visiting vets from plain illness to major injuries. In an emergency, insurance can be a lifesaver. Insurance offers veterinarians the freedom to provide the most comprehensive care possible.
You can choose to add more to the list. Ensure to keep your pets happy at any cost. They aren’t just your pets but a life companion.
Get in touch with Urban Pet Hospital & Resort, the best doggy daycare in Urbanadale, to learn more.