It is uncommon to hear about many great souls who risked their lives to rescue their pets. Jumping inside the burning house, jumping in front of the car or inside the well, you name it. People have gone through unimaginable situations to rescue their pets.
Here is the story of the activities who managed to save a thousand different pets from the frontline in Syria.

The Activists who saved 1000 pets from Syria’s war zones
Cat Connect, a charity that works to reunite animals with their Syrian owners, has managed to save thousands of pets from Syria’s war zones. Rawaa Kilani, an animal activist from Damascus joined hands with other animal lovers from Germany, Netherlands, and other countries to form Cat Connect.
They came together when the war intensified in 2013 and 2014. Many people had to leave the war-stricken zone for their life leaving their pets behind. Without their primary caretakers, cats and dogs often ended up on the street, abandoned or abused.
The locals who helped rescue pets and provide shelter were heavily affected by the war. Ernesto’s Sanctuary in Aleppo was destroyed in November 2017, killing several cats and a dog.
The activists go through a complex process to rescue animals. Often the situations are risky and fraught with danger. Kilani and her team have occasionally dived into active conflict areas to retrieve animals. They had to work to get through the red tapes and checkpoints.

Getting animals out of Syria is a complicated and expensive process. To extract animals from Syria, the pets are issued a passport and driven across the border to Lebanon. The animals are examined for diseases, vaccinated and microchipped by a local vet. From Beirut city in Lebanon, they are then flown as cargo to various locations in Europe, and sometimes to North America.
The estimated cost for rescuing an animal runs up to the US $1,000. The entire rescue has been conducted through donations.
Kilani claims,
“We have resettled pets in the U.S., the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, France, the U.K., Dubai and soon, for the first time, Italy.”
She further explains
“Life now, after the war, has become worse than during the war. There is no food or medicine, and many pets that were left behind have become strays. “
Similar examples are followed in other middle-eastern countries. In Afghanistan, soldiers have set up nonprofit and crowdfunding efforts to bring rescued street dogs and cats to the U.S. and the U.K. Dozens of imperiled zoo animals in Syria, Gaza and elsewhere have been transported to safer countries in recent years.
Like Cat Connect, Animals Syria has been helping rescue pets from war-stricken zones. Irma heads the Animals Syria foundation. After the owners settle in their new asylums, Animals Syria helps reunite owners with their pets by organizing the medical procedures and documents required for transportation.
Like humans, the animal suffers from psychological trauma. Thousands of pets have been killed or displaced during the Syrian war.
A 2018 study on veterans and dogs published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology posited that
The addition of trained service dogs to usual care may confer clinically meaningful improvements in PTSD symptomology for military members and veterans with PTSD.
Animals Impacted by the War
Many regions in Africa, Middle-East, Europe, and Asia are plagued by human conflicts. Although the greater cost is paid by humans, animals often end up paying the cost by giving up their lives.
In Africa, we can see the effect of conflict on many exotic animals such as Northern White Rhinos.
Many case studies have demonstrated that war can affect the survival of local populations, sometimes threatening entire species. But the research is mixed: In some cases, conflict actually seems to aid animals.

An organization like Nowzad has helped rescue many animals from the war-stricken zone and rehabilitate them. They arrange for the animal to safely get to the safety of the Nowzad clinic. They then provide shelter for the animal as well as vaccinations.
They also spay/neuter all animals and provide any required medical attention. Afterward, the process is to get them to their owners.
According to Nowzad,
We carry out all necessary checks and paperwork to get the dog or cat to their loving forever home – wherever it is in the world. Our amazing family of supporters never ceases to amaze us how they rally to reach the target necessary to get the much-loved dog or cat home to their new life.
Nowzad has rescued animals from active war-zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, and Libya. They have helped move animals into the USA, UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Jordan Thailand, and South Africa.
All the animals go through a psychological evaluation. They are then provided the necessary medical and physical needs. Most of these dogs are adopted by organizations.

Why is a veterinarian important to the community?
Veterinarians help save animals. They go through every difficulty to help cure, medicate, and rehabilitate animals.
- They help animals get better by applying medical and surgical treatments.
- Animals depend on them to get a rock out of their stomach or an object out of their paw. Vets are very serious about saving animals' lives.
- They offer preventive pet care such as vaccination, spaying, neutering, heartworm medicine, etc.
- They help people understand what to do to help animals.
- They help an animal's owner understand what is wrong with the animal.
Urban Pet Hospital and Resort
Urban Pet Hospital and Resort is a premier veterinary in Des Moines. We have been in operation since 2007.
We have a current remodeled facility with more than 10,000 sq. feet of indoor space boasting a full-fledged veterinary hospital with state-of-the-art medical and therapeutic equipment. We are proud to be the only facility in central Iowa that offers an indoor counter-current pool from the endless pool and an underwater treadmill.
Our DMV and staff have been in the trade for the last 15 years, and some of our staff are experienced for over 40 years in specific care units.
We offer luxury pet boarding services. Some premium suites also include a webcam that allows you to keep an eye on your pet from anywhere around the world. The resort also provides a big indoor play area for pets. As part of the luxury accommodation service, the pets are walked three times a day and monitored closely with cameras.
Some of our services include
- Pet medical services such as dental, spaying, neutering, vaccination, preventive medicine, and surgery.
- Therapy such as canine massage, laser therapy, motion exercises, underwater treadmill
- Training
- Grooming
- Boarding and Resort
- Daycare