National Dress Up Your Pet Day

National Dress up for your Pet Day is observed by the pet owners and pet community each year on January 14. It was founded in 2009 by the Celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Behaviorist, Colleen Paige. [More]

10 New Year Resolutions From Your Pets

Like you, your pets look for greater things in life. If your pets could talk, this is what they would wish to do this year, ensure to keep your pets happy at any cost. They aren’t just your pets but a life-companion. [More]

Vitamin D Toxicity in Pets

The report submitted by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) suggests that several popular brands of dog food have 70x the safe levels of vitamin D which could kill dogs. Although it is rare, it is noteworthy to understand how it can adversely affect your pets. [More]

How to keep Pets warm this winter?

Winter is here, and so is the time for you to get in the bed as soon as you reach home. Winter can be harsher for pets as they indulge in outdoor activities. Animals have a lesser appetite for cold weather. [More]

Dental Problem in Pets

Dental problem in pets, both cats and dogs, is quite common than you think. By the age of 3, 70% of cats and 80% of dogs have some form of gum disease. The dental problem isn’t only persistent in senior pets. [More]

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

The Halloween is near. And, so are the spooky pumpkin head figures, candles, eerie costumes and accidents. Pets are prone to get into accidents during Halloween. As a pet owner, ensuring a safer environment for your pets during all the hullabaloo can be difficult. [More]

National Cat Day – Oct 29

National Cat Day was created in 2005 by Colleen Paige, a Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert, in effort to raise awareness for the cats that are mistreated, left in the street, abandoned or shelter home. [More]

Common Vision Issues in Dogs

Visions are flawed in dogs too. Alike humans, dogs may face vision issues or blindness due to certain illness or disease. In case of mild blindness, many dogs tend to fool their owners in believing that they can see well. [More]