Happy Cat makes a Happy Life

A happy cat makes a happy life! Treating cats can be challenging than treating your canine, as cats tend to live in their own space and care less or none about the worldly affairs. It doesn’t mean that cats do not need a human companion. [More]

Animal Pain Awareness Month

September is celebrated as the Animal Pain Awareness month by International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management. In animals, pain can come in many ways; surgical pain, arthritis, skin related disease and cancer, just to name a few. [More]

How often do you visit for Well Checks?

A well check is a periodic medical tests of the pets to assess their overall health. The necessity of a well check is to ensure that your dog remains healthy throughout its life. It may also include regular shots for rabies, flu etc. [More]

How often do you groom your dog?

Dog grooming makes your pet appear lively, appealing and comfortable. It not only enhances the appeal but also keeps your pet hygienic, clean and comfortable, especially dogs with long or heavy coats. [More]

How often do you bath your dog?

Bathing your dog is essential to keep it clean and hygienic or parasite free. The type of bath and how often may depend on various factors. It is essential that you consult with the Veterinarian or the pet shop owner. [More]