It may be hard to distinguish between a shy cat and a feral cat. A shy cat usually bonds with at least one family member, however, a feral cat will avoid contact altogether.
There are many timid cats compared to dogs, hence, an attention is required to bring the cats out of their loneliness.
Few Reasons for their Shyness
- A cat may become shy or introvert if they are raised in an unsocial environment. Alike dogs, a social interaction plays an important role in cat’s life.
- If cats are mistreated or harassed by their owners or handlers, they may become afraid of any human interaction
- Some cats are more demanding than the others. They seek constant attention from their handlers, and in case of lack of attention they may start developing introvert qualities.

6 tips for expanding their comfort zone
Encourage a quiet home
Not only cats have sensitive hearing, but loud noises can terrify them. Cats tend to avoid noisy places and look for solitary spaces, hence you must encourage a quiet home environment. Avoid watching TV or listening to music in high volume. Also, avoid speaking loudly in front of the animal.
Show affection/Reassurance
A timid cats may require extra attention and reassurance from the pet owners. You need to show them affection through various forms; treats, playtime, compassion and emotional support.
You can offer reassurance by being closer to them and offering extra attention.
Let them open to you
Most of the time, the best way to approach your cat is to keep a distance. When your shy cat tries to come out, you should let them approach you and then make a step forward.
A shy cat can be approached with playtime. Creating a distraction like play time and toys can help a cat to open up with the owner. Play is also an essential part of bonding so the more confident your cat is within its own surrounding and with you the better, toys and play can help provide this confidence.
A companionship is a closer bond shared by two living beings. A human and animal companions can set great examples. A shy cat may regress to keep a closer bond with a human, in such case, you need to reassure them with friendliness.
Timely Meal
A shy cat can sometimes avoid eating their meal. You can rekindle your relationship by offering meals on time and treats. The timely meal increases the Oxytocin level in animals which helps to keep them happy.