National Cat Day was created in 2005 by Colleen Paige, a Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert, in effort to raise awareness for the cats that are mistreated, left in the street, abandoned or shelter home. The occasion encourages pet owners to not take their esteemed pets for granted and shower them with much affection and love to sustain their life. It is celebrated on October 29 every year.
As a pet owner, you must ensure;
- Cats remain a part of your household
- Adopt a cat instead of shopping for one
- Regular medical check is performed to ensure their health
- Cats are nourished and entertained

The National Cat Day was first celebrated in 2005 "to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and also to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the cat(s) in their life for the unconditional love and companionship they bestow upon us."
How to best treat your cat?
Keep them indoors
Cats have a tendency to stray outside the house often. This may lead to many problems for your cat. The best thing to do is to keep your cat safe by keeping them indoors. If you decide to take them outside, you can walk them on a harness or leash. Use a cat carrier when transporting your cat outside the house.
While inside the house, Make certain that all windows are securely screened. Care to keep the washer and dryer closed, and check inside before each use to avoid any accident.
Keeping them safe
Keeping an eye on your pet all the time is difficult. Being an agile animal, they can slip out of home anytime. By adding a breakaway collar and visible ID that includes your name, address, and telephone number can help located your cat in case of emergency. Your cat is more likely to get home safely if they have a collar and ID. Also, be a good citizen by complying with any local cat licensing laws.
Staying healthy
A cat can face several health and medical issues which left untreated can cause severe problem in the future. You must care to take your cat for regular check-up at the Veterinarian’s office. Do provide necessary vaccinations, flu-shots etc. Most of the times, the illness in pets are left untreated due to lack of information. Regular visit to the Vet can help address these issues.
A quick fix
Spaying and neutering your cat will keep them healthier and help decrease the number of cats euthanized every year because of cat overpopulation. If you can't afford the operation, look into low-cost options.
Healthy diet
A healthy diet is important for cat’s overall health. Unlike humans, cats do not find nourishment from vegetarian diet. It’s important that you offer enough protein and mineral rich food to your cat. Fish, low-cat meat can be good for cat’s daily diet. Never feed your pet from your own plate!
Keep litter clean
Cats are naturally clean, and most will instinctively use a litter box; you just have to show yours where it is. Don't place your cat in the box and make little scratching motions with their front paws. This will probably upset your cat and may make their leery of the box. Scoop the box at least once daily and periodically wash it with dish liquid and hot water. Because cats also value privacy, place the litter box in a convenient but quiet spot. We can help you get things off to a good start.
Grooming often
Like all other pets, cats require often grooming to stay clean and healthy. All cats, whether long- or short-haired, should be brushed regularly to keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. Grooming also includes clipping nails and paws, brushing, trimming hair, cleaning organs etc. This also helps to prevent any diseases or problems arising from matted hair or follicles.