Pets aren’t just animals you can take for granted. They are a part of your family, most of the times your companion. Leaving pets at home or at neighbor’s care while you travel can be difficult. Keeping constant touch while traveling can be difficult too. The best tip is to prepare yourself and your pet to travel along with least difficulties.
Types of Commute
By Car
Car is the most common form of transport throughout United States. Thanks for the good roads, you suffer the least from the bumps or off-road experience. The safest way for your dog to travel in the car is in a crate that has been anchored to the vehicle using a seatbelt or other secure means. Dog restraints or seat belts are useful for preventing your dog from roaming around the car to prevent any accidents.
By Plane
Traveling in a plane with a pet can be the most challenging experience as most airlines do not allow your pets to sit along with in a cabin. Most pets travel inside the pets’ carrier in a plane. You can check with the airline if they allow smaller canines or felines to sit beside the pet owner. Dogs with short nasals such as bull dogs, pugs and Persian cats may suffer from oxygen deprivation and heat stroke.
By Train
Most small U.S. railroad companies permit animals on board if the pet owners can take care of them.
By Ship
Pets are mostly welcome on cruise lines or long route ships. Some lines permit pets in private cabins, but most confine pets to kennels.

Here are 10 tips on how you can easily travel with pets
The first goal when traveling with your pet is to make sure they are comfortable. Pets need a comfortable or homely space to relax and to sleep. They are keen on following their daily routine, hence you should bring along a cozy bed or mattress for them.
Traveling inside the automobile can a fatiguing experience for most pets. The heat can result in dehydration too. You must keep enough water inside your car and provide easy access. Regular feeding is essential too. Make sure you carry enough dog food and you feed your pet regularly.
Puppy Pads
Puppy pads is essential to help you pet relieve while traveling. On long trips you can’t exactly pull over for a pit stop, hence puppy pads are the next best thing. While many airports now include a pet relief area, most do not. These pads also prove to be useful during a long layover between flights.
Animals can get bored pretty quickly. Traveling for 8+ hr is a lengthy time, hence you must try occupying your pets’ attention by offering quick games on the road. Providing them to fidget with helps to keep them occupied and prevents any disturbances to the driver.
Traveling during the night, long destination commute or to colder areas, all these pose problems for your pet’s health. Do not forget to bring warm blanket or covers for your pet to nap in on the road.