How Do Animal Help Humans With Mental Well-being

In a world where mental health deterioration is grappling humans, animals are emerging as potent friends helping them fight back mental health issues.

From providing emotional support and therapy to promoting natural exposure, companionship, stress reduction, social support, and responsibility, animals play a significant role in building a positive and compassionate society.

Find out how animals help humans with their mental well-being better.

6 Ways Animals Are Your Best Companion

Here is how animals promote their caregivers’ well-being with their loving powers.

1.Emotional Support and Therapy

More than 50 million people are suffering from mental health conditions worldwide.

Animals, such as dogs and cats, can be designated as Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) to provide companionship and support to individuals with mental health conditions.

These animals offer comfort, reduce anxiety, and give a sense of security to their owners.

Animals also provide therapy to people having mental illness through programs like Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT).


Various animals, including horses, dolphins, and even guinea pigs, can be part of AAT programs to promote emotional well-being, improve social skills, and enhance self-esteem.

In AAT programs, therapy dogs are trained to visit hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other facilities to interact with people and provide emotional support.

How Animals Provide Emotional Support and Therapy

  • Animals provide a non-judgmental presence, allowing individuals to express their emotions and thoughts without fear of criticism freely.
  • Animal-assisted therapy can improve self-esteem and self-confidence through positive interactions with animals.
  • Animals can help individuals with trauma or PTSD by providing a sense of security and helping them reconnect with their emotions.
  • Certain animals, such as horses in equine therapy, offer opportunities for individuals to learn trust, assertiveness, and boundaries.
  • Animals like dolphins in dolphin-assisted therapy can aid in physical rehabilitation and promote motor skills development.
  • The rhythmic movements and vibrations generated by animals, such as therapy dogs, can have a calming effect on individuals with sensory processing disorders.
  • Animals in therapy can serve as “co-therapists,” helping individuals open up and engage more effectively in therapy sessions.

2.Animal Assisted Activities (AAA)

Animal-assisted activities refer to structured interactions between animals and humans conducted in group or public spaces, including petting zoos or animal school visits.

AAAs may be necessary because they improve emotional well-being, provide physical health benefits, enhance social interaction, stimulate cognitive functions, and create a sense of joy and connection.

Moreover, it motivates and engages individuals fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy.

These activities positively impact the quality of life for people of all ages through therapeutic, educational, and community programs.

How Animal-Assisted Activities Helps Human and Society

  • It helps to strengthen the brain and muscles through physical exercises.
  • It helps to lower the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and irritability.
  • It provides physical rehabilitation assistance, promoting mobility and cardiovascular health.
  • It helps to enhance social interaction and communication skills.
  • It supports cognitive development and learning opportunities.
  • It provides therapeutic support for specific conditions such as autism and PTSD.
  • It helps to teach empathy, responsibility, and animal care.
  • It helps to build community engagement, fostering a compassionate society.

3.Nature Therapy

Being around animals can increase access to nature, fostering a connection with the environment.

Being in nature also provides spaces for social cohesion, community engagement, and educational opportunities.

Moreover, individuals can develop a sense of environmental responsibility and physical, mental, and social benefits by prioritizing nature exposure and incorporating it into daily lives.

Nature-based activities also contribute to the local economy by creating sustainable tourism practices.

How Animal Promotes Nature Therapy

  • Outdoor activities like walking and playing encourage pet parents to spend time in nature.
  • Exploring new places with pets leads to discovering parks, forests, and natural areas.
  • Engaging in nature-based activities such as swimming, camping, and hiking with pets increases exposure to the natural environment.
  • Maintaining pet-friendly gardens or landscapes promotes outdoor time and connection with nature.
  • Pets spark curiosity and observation of wildlife, promoting a greater appreciation for biodiversity.
  • Spending time with pets in nature promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and improved mental well-being.
  • Caring for pets can cultivate an environmental consciousness, leading to eco-friendly choices and responsible behavior towards nature.


Pets offer selfless love and friendship to combat loneliness and isolation, which affects many adults around the world.

Statistics show that 58% and 36% of households own dogs and cats in 2023, which indicates that people enjoy having a furry friend at home.

Caring for them also provides a sense of purpose and routine, which can be especially beneficial for individuals with mental health conditions.

How Animals Provide Companionship

  • Pets can alleviate loneliness and anxiety just by being on your side.
  • Animals do not judge or hold grudges; their love and affection are unwavering.
  • They fill the emotional void by providing constant presence and support.
  • Animals in the workplace have been found to increase employee satisfaction, reduce stress, and improve the overall work environment.
  • Pets, particularly dogs, can provide security and safety, enhancing personal well-being and promoting a safer community.
  • Animals can help individuals overcome grief and loss, providing comfort and solace during difficult times.

5.Stress Reduction

It is scientifically proven that having a pet around can calm the nervous system and lower blood pressure and heart rate, promoting a sense of calmness.

Moreover, we all know interacting with animals lowers stress levels and gives a happy and relaxed feeling.

For example, petting a dog or cat can trigger the release of endorphins and oxytocin, hormones associated with pleasure and well-being. It can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Therefore, animals can turn a bad day into a good one by reducing stress levels, improving people’s overall well-being, and building a positive society.

How Animals Helps To Reduce Stress

  • Interacting with animals can release oxytocin and lower cortisol levels, promoting relaxation.
  • Pets offer unconditional love, which can have a calming effect on humans.
  • Engaging in physical touch with animals, such as petting or cuddling, can reduce stress.
  • Interacting with animals increases serotonin and dopamine levels, improving mood.
  • Pets can serve as a source of distraction and entertainment, diverting attention from stressors.
  • Caring for a pet creates a sense of routine and responsibility, adding structure to one’s life.
  • Having a pet can facilitate social interactions and build support networks.

6.Social Support and Responsibility

Social support and responsibility are crucial for individuals and society, promoting emotional, mental, and physical health, personal growth, collaboration, and social cohesion.

It can contribute to a more inclusive, compassionate, and harmonious society, enhancing the well-being and quality of life.

Certain animals, such as dogs, require regular exercise and playtime, which may motivate their owners to engage in physical activity as well.

Animals also act as social catalysts, facilitating human-to-human interactions.

For example, dog walking can increase social connections with other dog owners, promoting community and reducing feelings of social isolation.

Moreover, caring for an animal requires a certain level of responsibility, which can benefit individuals with mental health issues. It provides structure, promotes self-discipline, and instills a sense of purpose and accountability.

How Animals Promote Social Support and Responsibility

  • Animals bring communities together through events and programs related to animal welfare.
  • They can help instill the values of responsibility, empathy, and respect for other living beings.
  • Owning a pet promotes awareness about responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.
  • Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) have been shown to enhance social skills and communication in individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.
  • Pets can serve as icebreakers in social situations, helping shy or socially anxious individuals engage in conversations and form connections.
  • Animal-assisted reading programs, where children read to therapy animals, can improve reading skills, boost confidence, and foster a love for learning.
  • Animal-assisted interventions have been used successfully in hospitals and healthcare settings to improve patient outcomes, decrease pain perception, and increase emotional well-being.

Check this infographic out for information.


Pets can be there where people cannot be.

Whether through therapy programs or simple companionship, these loving animals bring joy, comfort, and a deep bond that enriches our lives.

Animals hold the power to transform individuals and society, reminding us of the profound impact they can have on our mental well-being. In a world where people may hesitate, animals are there to lend a helping paw.

Contact Urban Pet Hospital & Resort, the best pet hospital in Urbandale, for more tips to harbor a happy relationship with your pet.

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