Many pet owners are unaware that they must introduce their old and new pets before they could really settle in. It may take a few weeks or months for an old dog to settle in with the new dog. Dogs are territorial animals and they do not appreciate some other animal invading their territory.
For the pet owners who wish to adopt a second dog, they must prepare themselves to bring two animals harmoniously together.
Melissa Bain, a professor of clinical animal behavior at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine says that,
“Dogs are social animals, like humans. But that doesn’t mean they always want to be around other dogs.”
It’s important to introduce a dog to other dog’s presence in different settings such as both in and outside the house.
How to introduce dogs to Dogs?
Here are some handy tips to help you introduce your old dog to a new dog.
Solve Your Old Dog’s Bad Behaviors First
Sue Sternberg, a canine trainer, says
“If your current dog barks at other dogs on the street, he will teach those behaviors to the new dog,”
If you’re working on issues with your current dogs, especially with their aggressive behaviors, now isn’t the time to add a new dog to the family.
1) Decide on a meeting place
It's better if you can find a neutral territory where your two dogs can meet and know each other -around the block, park, or someplace else. Let them sniff each other, it's the dog's way of a handshake. You can start by learning the signs of dislike or aggression. If one or the other becomes aggressive, you must control them to resolve the issue there itself.
2) On-Leash and Off-Leash
Be careful about introducing your dog off-leash. It's always good to bring them together on-leash and once they get familiar with each other, you can let them off-leash. When on a leash, they can often show aggression which is a simple way of trying to establish dominance. Don't assume that they won't get along. Let them cool down and then get them off-leash.
Note: If your dogs are on the leash, you can grab the leashes and pull them apart in case of a fight.
3) Let them determine the pace of the introduction
Let them decide how long they want to take to know each other well. It may just start with some play with each other by the middle of the walk. It may take weeks or a month as well.
The most important thing is to take this introduction slowly. The more patient you are, the better your chance of success. Do not force the dogs to interact.
Tip: Once the dogs are able to view each other at close proximity, allow each dog to walk behind the other. If they remain comfortable and calm, you can allow them to walk side by side. Do not haste with this process.
4) Don't leave them alone
It's not a good idea to leave your two dogs by themselves when they haven't known each other very well. Your old dog will definitely become aggressive and territorial. This could lead to a squabble. Don't It's not worth an injured or dead dog. If they're puppies, you can keep them in separate crates in two different rooms. If they're adults, you can lock them up in two different rooms. Dogs act like kids sometimes.
5) Separate their toys
A dog would want the other’s toy. The old dog must have its toys which it definitely wouldn’t want to share with the other. Make sure that there are no toys, food, or treats left around the home that the dogs could potentially fight over. You can separate toys in different rooms and allow them to play with them without the presence of the other. This could help avoid the sense of jealousy in either of the dogs.
6) Dine them separately
Food is often a great fight starter. Always keep them separate, possible in different areas of the house, while feeding them. It's good to avoid the confrontation when one dog gobbles and the other picks through every bite. An alpha dog is more likely to gobble their food and then eat the others too.
7) Don't change the Sleeping arrangement
If your old dogs sleep with you on the same bed, do not change the arrangement suddenly. You can keep the other dog in a crate, a separate room, or on the floor. It's important to housebreak the new dog before you can allow them to sleep at a certain place. Be done with their potty training first!
8) Train separately
It's always good to train with them one-on-one. It helps both dogs recognize you as the alpha. This way you can recognize the triggers of both the dogs and train them likewise.
Urban Pet Hospital & Resort is the most reliable pet hospital in Urbandale. We also offer the best doggy daycare in Urbandale to help board, groom and train you canine. Leave them in the care of our certified veterinarian and daycare trainers. We provide a conducive environment for the mental, physical, and social grooming of your pet.
Urban Pet Hospital & Resort is the most reliable pet hospital in Urbandale. We also offer the best doggy daycare in Urbandale to help board, groom and train you canine. Leave them in the care of our certified veterinarian and daycare trainers. We provide a conducive environment for the mental, physical, and social grooming of your pet.