10 Best Training Dog Breeds

Training is essential to keep any pet disciplined. Almost every breed of dog is smart enough to learn and can adapt to commands.

The first depending factor for training a dog is its age. Training at an early age makes a difference. Adapting to basic commands help for training in adulthood. An adult age is considered an optimum period for training any dog.

A dog’s physical and mental health plays an important part in deciding if they can adapt to training. If a dog is sick, injured or stressed, you should avoid training them.

Here are 10 Best Training Dog Breeds:

1. Labrador retriever

Labrador retriever is one of the most popular dog breed and generally are in huge demand. They are a gentle breed. Labrador retriever is easy to train, and are known for their playfulness, intelligence, versatility, and capability to learn anything at a short time. Training a young Labrador can be difficult due to their high energy and lack of attention.

2. German shepherd

The German shepherd is one of the most loyal and popular dog breeds around the world. Originally, a shepherd breed, today German shepherd is adopted in defense (military and police) and home. A staunchly loyal, intelligent, and dependable breed, they are highly trainable dogs and can pick things easily.

3. Golden Retriever

Golden and Labrador retriever are basically cousins. Alike their close keen, Golden Retriever is a highly dependable and loyal dog breed. A highly intelligent breed, they can be trained for almost anything.  They require daily exercise and make great hunting dogs too. They are a playful and highly energetic dog.

4. Poodle

Poodles are known for their unique look. You must have seen poodles mostly in films because they are a highly trainable breed and can adapt to new commands easily. They are capable of learning all sorts of tricks and commands. Poodles basically come in three sizes (standard, miniature and toy) and are hypoallergenic. The fit well to pet owners with allergies.

5. Australian Cattle Dog

A herding or shepherd dog, Australian Cattle Dog is known for their agility, strength, and courage. They are a highly trainable and intelligent dog breed and remain loyal throughout their life. They enjoy a challenging environment and can herd the cattle very well.

6. Doberman Pinscher

You might find it surprising but Doberman makes great pets. Despite a staunch reputation as a guard or attack dog, Dobermans can make great pets if trained properly. They are very fast and strong breed which requires a good amount of attention while training.

7. Australian Shepherd

Like Border Collies, Australian Shepherds are very adaptive and can learn lots of tricks and are great dogs for highly active owners. They are a hard working dog and can be a loyal breed for herding.

8. Miniature Schnauzer

Like its name, Miniature Schnauzer is a small breed. Despite its small size, it has a high amount of energy and agility. They can be highly loyal. They do tend to bark, but this is a behavior that can be curbed if you are able to teach the dog early on. Miniature Schnauzer makes great pets.

9. Papillon

Also known as Continental Toy Spaniel, they are known for their look. Like the Doberman, toy breeds don’t have the best reputation. But if they are trained properly, they can be great pets. They are smarter and enjoy plenty of exercise and activities.

10. Border Collie

Border Collies are incredibly smart and capable of learning a wide variety of tricks. Also known as ‘workaholic dogs,’ they are eager to constantly learn new things, which makes for great dogs to train. They are also popular as hunting dogs. They are highly active and will rarely sit still.

Almost every dog breed can be trained if managed by a professional. Find more on how to train your dog.

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