Spring and Summer are probably the best seasons for any pet to go outdoors and play. Hiding inside the bush, rolling on the grass, and trotting along the park are few of the popular activities of dogs. Although, the seasons are popular for their hue and beauty, they also serve as the beginning of the arrival of many unwanted guests –Flea & Tick.
The soft, warm fur of your pets provide the safest environment for fleas and ticks to breed. These parasites feed on your pet’s blood and can cause health problems ranging from allergic reactions to serious tick-borne illnesses.
Female fleas can lay 40 to 50 eggs a day. That can lead to an infestation in days.
Fleas and ticks are more common during the warmer months that may last until the winter. The infected pets can spread illness to their human counterparts as well.

Signs of Flea & Ticks Infestation
- Flea droppings, which look like dark specks, in the fur
- Flea eggs, which look like white specks, in the fur
- Excessive licking or scratching
- Scabs or hot spots on the skin
Flea & Ticks Complications
- Flea or Ticks infection can lead to significant blood loss or anemia over time.
- The lack of red blood cells can be life-threatening for young dogs and cats.
- Ticks also carry diseases, such as Lyme disease (a bacterial infection).
How to Remove Fleas & Ticks
- Use gloves or tissue to cover your hands.
- Grasp the tick with tweezers from the side, by its head, close to the skin.
- Pull straight up. Don't twist.
- Don't squeeze (or pop!) the bloated belly.
Flea & Tick Prevention
Flea & Tick Shampoo
Flea and tick shampoo is mainly useful for killing the parasites present on your pets. It doesn’t work as well to prevent fleas and ticks. You can buy the shampoo without a prescription, but follow the directions carefully. While applying the shampoo, you need to cover the animal’s entire body and wait 10 minutes before rinsing.
Flea collars can be useful to ward off fleas and ticks, however, puppies and kittens may need flea collars with a lower dose of chemicals. Wash your hands with soap and water after you handle it.
Some oral tablets can be useful to prevent flea and tick infection. One type is a quick fix that kills adult fleas within 30 minutes. You can consider giving it to your pet daily. Other medications can keep flea eggs from hatching. Some flea medications need a prescription. Also, there are dogs-only oral products that kills fleas and ticks. Check with your vet to see which treatment is right for your pet.
Skin Treatments
Most skin treatments consist of creams that can be applied on pet’s skin. You put these treatments on your dog or cat’s back. They work well for a month. Some kill fleas and ticks as well.
Be careful and take precaution while taking your pets out of the house.